We've developed a biomanufacturing platform for transforming biomass waste into sustainable oil products.

Our Mission
Oil seed crops, such as palm oil, are among the most carbon intensive commodities in the world, due to deforestation that occurs at the beginning of their supply chains. Despite these problems, vegetable oils are deeply embedded in global supply chains, from consumer goods to biofuels, with demand growing every year.
At Oleo, we believe the world needs sustainable oil alternatives to meet rising demand without depleting finite natural resources. That's why we've developed a process for transforming waste into sustainable oils, enabling the production of valuable oil products without the need for arable land.
The Technology
We've innovated on traditional fermentation technology by developing a biomanufacturing platform that unlocks valuable sources of carbon from biomass waste streams. Through our two step process, we first extract fermentable sugars from recalcitrant biomass to produce low-cost sugar feedstocks, and then use those feedstocks as a fermentation substrate to produce oleochemicals. Our resultant products can be used as sustainable inputs in consumer goods and biofuel supply chains. ​​

The Oleo process
Oleo SPOS is redefining the oleochemical industry by transforming waste into a carbon-neutral and low carbon oil products. Our cutting-edge technology is currently patent-pending and has the ability to convert biomass, such as food waste and seaweed from bioremediation projects for eutrophication prevention, into a sustainable bio-oil. These waste materials not only present environmental risks, but also release sequestered carbon into the atmosphere as they degrade. By recycling them, we are taking proactive steps to combat climate change while simultaneously creating a high quality, sustainable oil products.
Recycled biomass
Oleo's process can use a wide variety of biomass waste as primary inputs ranging from food waste to waste produced via bioremediation projects. ​​
The Oleo process
Our biomanufacturing platform combines cutting edge biomass pretreatment and fermentation technology to produce high quality oils.
High value oil products
The results of Oleo's process are high quality oil products that are ready to be used in a variety of applications.
Personal & home care
This oil can be used in the formulation of sustainable personal and home care items such as cosmetics, cleaning detergents and more.
This oil can be used as an intermediate for the production of sustainable aviation fuels and other biofuels for difficult to electrify industries.
Partner With Us

Putting waste to work
Oleo's technology is able utilize previously untapped sources of biomass waste, making the most of the hydrocarbons we already have above ground. To that end, we are working with government agencies and private companies to transform burdensome waste streams into high value, sustainable products. If your organization is looking to lower its environmental footprint and generate value from waste materials, we can help.
Enabling sustainable transportation & supply chains
We are working to develop high quality sustainable oil and sugar inputs for the personal care, home care, and biofuels industries. If you're looking to replace carbon intensive commodities in your supply chain with low carbon alternatives we would love to work with you.

Meet Our Founders

co-CEO & COO
co-CEO & CPO
We are engineers, scientists, and entrepreneurs working to build circular economies to eliminate waste and create sustainable products.
If you think you'd be a great addition to our team, please reach out.